View Full Version : DayZ Question.

11-29-2012, 04:55 PM

I just want to know if the DayZ hack is still working?

Also is it vehicle spawn in the script? I've bought a other hack from a other site, did not have vehicle spawn script.

If it don't have it, I wont buy it since I don't really need more hacks

11-30-2012, 06:04 AM
The DayZ hacks do currently work, and when patch, update within the day.

For the DayZ, it include a bypass, which allows you to run scripts.

Vehicle spawn scripts that save to the 'hive' are detected and will kick you unless you have a remote execution bypass, which currently is not offered.

The only Vehicle spawn scripts that are available, without a remove execution bypass, is one that spawns locally which only you can see. Another is where the vehicle is already spawned on the map and you just teleport it to yourself.