View Full Version : Battlefield 3 hack review

11-29-2012, 08:16 PM
Hello TMCheats guys.
So, I used the BF3 hack for about 1 month and here is my review :)

Aimbot - 7/10
Why 7/10? Because it doesn't have a vehicle aimbot, and One Shot Kill doesn't work as well. (Sometimes I need to shot 2 times with M1911, for example) and it doesn't work with Knife =/
But it's very accurate and faster. :)

ESP - 10/10
Nothing to talk about it. Just fucking perfect.

Others - 10/10:
Magic Bullets - 10/10
Video mode - 10/10
Clean PBSS - 10/10 (Never failed with me. Perfect.)
Just no recoil option - 10/10 (It's perfect to play as legit player. Without No Spread and without Aimbot it works very well)

Price: 9/10
Why? I want only the BF3 hack, not for all battlefields. And this make your hack a little bit expensive, but not too much.

Total: 9/10.
If you put a vehicle aimbot, I'm 99,9% sure that I'll buy your hack again. =)

Sorry for any english error, I don't speak english very well. =)

11-29-2012, 09:36 PM
lol have you even tried using the aimbot in a vehicle?
change your aimbot key once to something not used by the game lol
i use the aimbot in vehicles all the time lol