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View Full Version : WTS Arma 2 OA keys $3

11-30-2012, 07:39 PM
I test the key right before I give it to you, so please dont says its banned or in use when I give it to you. If everything goes right then I will make an automated key shop shortly. Until then just add me on skype jamster727. I add the keys to a sold list, and will not sell them again, I will replace the key if it is global banned within 1 day.

Sold 7 so far

Stock status: AVAILABLE

1 key $3
2 keys $5
3 keys $8

To buy add me on skype: Jamster727
If I am not on Skype you can email me I will hear it on my phone Jamster727@yahoo.com

11-30-2012, 09:01 PM
its all okay ;D thanks