View Full Version : If I buy mods and get banned do I get another copy..

GTX 680
12-03-2012, 04:27 AM
In what games, if not all, will you guys (TM Cheats) give me another CD-KEY?

I'm pretty sure in WarZ you get another key.. is that the only game that has insurance?

Also, when WarZ is on Steam, do you think all hacks will be patched or detected by VAC, or will they not put VAC on WarZ?

Those are my two questions. :). Thanks guys n gals!

(P.S. I tried to look at the TM Cheats Insurance forum, but there were appearantly no post.. I think I have to buy mods first to know my insurance, which is kinda silly. Thanks guys, but please don't move my post xD)

12-04-2012, 02:45 AM
You can purchase insurance, which will in turn give you access to the Insurance forum. As for Warz, I do not believe they are going to use steams VAC.:)

12-04-2012, 02:51 AM

The WarZ is not covered.