View Full Version : Warz lvl 2 - Help-me please!

12-04-2012, 03:46 PM
Hi guys, I have some doubts cruel, sure I'll have more questions, anything I try to edit the topic or another if I can. Well, I was wondering if when I buy the hacker War Z level 2 for just a month, I'll turn subscriber permanently or just for a month. If warz when the update, the hacker updated along with the game, or after a few hours or even the next day. If I have any chance of being banned in my account when using the hacker (when updated, the account is automatically banned without even using the hacker). I do not remember a few other questions, if they come back to bother me, I edit the topic, or even post the answers. Thank you and forgive me for the long topic. : (

12-05-2012, 12:42 AM
Buddy I can't make out what your issue is, but ill try.

If you subscribe for the month you will get full access to the hack and all updates, updates are usually within the day of a game update. You can choose to have a recurring subscription or simply go month by month. Hope this helps.