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View Full Version : great mod i think u out did yourself

12-11-2012, 01:28 AM
i really love the mod to the full extent even though i still die by hackers it less now. for that i thank u also i miss some shots with aimbot i have aim for head dont know if i need to change it.
i recommed it to a couple of freinds heard some bought it. the only tweaks i may ask hide esp from other hackers (put u in a big gain to other hacks) tell if there in the safezone or not wasted bullets over that.
last thing i love the support although down for a few hours sat ok with that but your the cheapest ive seen and well sub for a long time once i have a little more money btw watch out they said there adding a
new cheat engine in mid december so look out for that.

best regards.
happy cheater

12-11-2012, 02:19 PM
Thanks for your review!:)