View Full Version : WHAT THE ?

Constantin Niklewitz
12-25-2012, 10:19 PM
So yeah my DayZ sub which i bought a month before is now ended, but i already bought the WarZ level 1 hack for 3 Month so if i log on in the Streamer i can use the Hack, that what i want but now here in the Forum i have no Acces anymore for Subscriber Features and i got the CLICK HERE 2 SUBSCRIBE BUTTON BACK :o

so please give me the Forum Acces back i have more 2 Month or shit like that which i have Subscribed to WarZ :D

12-25-2012, 10:48 PM
So yeah my DayZ sub which i bought a month before is now ended, but i already bought the WarZ level 1 hack for 3 Month so if i log on in the Streamer i can use the Hack, that what i want but now here in the Forum i have no Acces anymore for Subscriber Features and i got the CLICK HERE 2 SUBSCRIBE BUTTON BACK :o

so please give me the Forum Acces back i have more 2 Month or shit like that which i have Subscribed to WarZ :D

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