View Full Version : War Z Shops

01-08-2013, 03:59 AM
A new site for creating and managing your own War Z shops (http://www.warzshops.com) has been launched. I thought I would mention it here. It costs $5/Month for a professional shop but if you sign up now it's free.
You still promote your shop on any forums it just makes the process easier.

Here are some of the benefits (http://www.warzshops.com/benefits/).

First 10 shops will be Free so sign up if you like.

PS - If this isn't the right section to post this in sorry, however it does relate to the marketplace since it is a network of War Z shops and will be used for players shops on here as well)

To clarify - After you make a shop I'll activate it for FREE if you are one of the first 10-20 people. We are doing this for all - buyers and sellers so we may give out more :)