View Full Version : [DayZ] Infectable Menu Services

01-11-2013, 01:33 AM
So Basically I'm offering "services" to infect you in any server of your choice to be able to spawn weapons, items, vehicles, be invinsible, teleport to friends, teleport anywhere in the map or whatever pleases you to do in this game... be a GOD for christ sakes. Now you may be wondering, what if I get banned using this, you can go ahead and read this link (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115674-gave-me-powers/) to prove that this is undetected and the DayZ Team even said that they have no way of detecting it. Now this infection menu resets on every server restarts that occurs and you will need my "service" again.

Prices and Duration

$4 = 1 Day of Infection to any server you want
$10 = 1 week of Infection to any server you want

I offer free trials to see I am legit and I would only ask for vouches!

P.S. The trials will be on my terms as I will be choosing the server of my choice.

PM me here or on skype : dizzlefam92