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View Full Version : Free/Paid Spawnservice

01-26-2013, 02:23 PM
I want to offer a free and paid spawning service. The free service is for all non bypass user because obviously you can make all of these yourself if you have a Bypass ^^
I will do it on every Map and Server (if its possible ofc ;) )
My thread on mpgh [WTS] Free vehicle spawn service - DayZ Selling / Trading / Buying (http://www.mpgh.net/forum/656-dayz-selling-trading-buying/579353-free-vehicle-spawn-service.html)


For free
-Spawn a "Hackerbox"
-Spawn any Vehicle and on some server Blacklisted ones like Apache and MI-24
-Give you God Mode, Esp, Make you invisible to zombies
-Teleport you and your friends
-etc. (Just ask for anything you want what is not listed here maybe I can do it for you)

Premium (for 1 week)
For only 1€ I infect you with a menu and you can
Spawn weapons, repair vehicles, teleport, give yourself esp(wallhack) and map markers without having a bypass

For 3€ (for 1 week)
The above + spawn explosions, morph, spawn vehicles, spawn crates and godmode without having a bypass

Can I get banned for this?
Gave me powers? - Cheat Reporting - Day Z Forums (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115674-gave-me-powers/)
(You cant get global banned but be aware you can still get admin/server banned)
The server must NOT have private anti cheats, otherwise my hacks will not work
