View Full Version : [WarZShops] WarZ Items & Accounts

01-26-2013, 10:39 PM
Hello I'm a current co-owner of WarZShops.com, we're currently redoing our website but will have our inventory up ASAP.

For now, I have over 3000 guns and items that I'm willing to sell. I don't feel like making a price list or an item list, I pretty much have every single weapon with atleast 5-200 of each weapon or item.

Basic guns - 2$
Advanced guns - 5$
Rare guns - 10$

Melee Weapons - 1$ - 5$

Ammo - 0.50 - 2$

Basic Items 0.50$
Advanced Items - 1$
Rare Items - 3$ - 10$

Backpacks - 0.50$ - 2$

Attachments - No price yet.

Package Deal 10$
Advanced Gun
Antibiotics - 5
2 cmags
2 clips of pistol ammo

These prices will vary when we put up our shop, we're redesigning our shop system.

If weapons don't have ammo, a clip will be included.

I will also do bulk deals & packages. I will also barter if the deal is decent enough.

Contact me via Skype - SykNine

I'm available usually 12 PM - 1 AM PST. Sat - Tuesday & 10 AM - 1 AM Wednesday - Friday.

WarZ Accounts
Normal accounts - 10$
Legendary - 20$

These accounts have not been used since the wipe (November?). If account password changes within 30 days, I'll refund you another account. I will not refund towards ANY bans.
When you're able to change your passwords & e-mail within the next month or two, refunds will be off due to you being able to change all the account details. These accounts are 99% certain they won't be touched, in case they do you'll be refunded.

01-27-2013, 03:32 AM
Added you on skype!

01-27-2013, 09:23 PM
Go on skype please!!