View Full Version : A few questions regarding your BF3 hack

01-28-2013, 04:11 PM
Hello :D

After wasting money on two other hacks for BF3 that got a shitload of detections i am considering switching to tmcheats.
But i have a few questions:

1. Whats up with this clean video recording thing? Is it really possible to capture clean gameplay with fraps or dxtory but still using the wallhack while playing the game?

2. How does this magic bullet thing work? Does it only kills the player inside a vehicle or does it destroy the vehicle as well? For example i am shooting a tank with a magic bullet. Do i only get 100 points for the kill or 100 for the kill + 100 for disable + 50 for destruction? Does the magic bullet work while being in a vehicle? Can i one shot a tank using a tank by myself?

3. How about detections? Do you offer an insurance because your hack gets detected like every month?

Please forgive me if my english is not the best. I am not a native english speaker ;)
And please forgive me as well if my questions are a bit stupid but you offer such awesome features that NO other cheatsite can compare with...


01-28-2013, 05:09 PM

1/ Yes it records clean video with Fraps and Dxtory. It may have troubles with 'exotic' graphic cards, but the mainstream stuff works.

2/ No, no and no. You cannot kill a driver inside a tank, it does not destroy the tank, and will not OS a tank. Magic bullet, at best will go thru one wall against infantry.

3/ We have not been detected in exactly 11 months to the day.

Beware that we have a lag problem at this time, that most of us can go around and that we also have a couple functions like instant kill and instant hit that do not actually function. However all the rest is usable and working well.

Tom is normally working on resolving these issues that appeared during the patch introduced prior to the Aftermath release.

To get your subscription NOW, click here (http://members.tmcheats.com/aff/go?r=6609).

01-28-2013, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the fast answer!
I just purchased the 3 Month Subscription :D

01-28-2013, 05:57 PM
Another question:

Does the hack work as well for the COOP mode? Is the COOP even cheat secured?

And how long does it take till i am able to use it after buying the subscription?