View Full Version : [CDKey Shop CMS] Pwned CMS

02-03-2013, 10:08 PM
Hello Ladies and Gentelmen of TM Cheats! After weeks of hard work i've gotten to the point where i can finally announce this system me and my friend have created!
This system allows you as a CDKey seller to manage your sales alot easier, and it is also alot better and easier for your Customers!
With Whongdong CDKey Shop CMS (Content Management System) you can sell your CDKeys from anywhere to anyone! It is a very powerful tool if you are looking to start a "mini business" selling CDKeys of any kind!
By buying this system, you agree
This system is very configurable and easy to manage, you simply type in your paypal address, enter all your CD Keys into a database and you can start delivering to your customers.

Some of the features include:
Automatic Paypal API
Customer Profile page for using your CDKeys on the go
Configurable Packages (price, amount of keys)
Editable text
Easy setup
Add CDKeys via the website
And more, even if you don't know alot about any web language this system will only take you minutes to set up!



Demo with custom template: Savior's Key Sales (http://saviorssales.hosted.nfoservers.com/)

Hosted on private server: 15$ and then 5$ for each month
Custom Design: 10$
Sourcecode: 30$
Buyout Price: 50$ (Includes Source etc)

PM me if you are interested!

02-11-2013, 10:52 AM
Still available :D

02-22-2013, 09:16 PM
Updated version!
Now with noobfriendly interface, it is fully customizable

Buy it now :D

Luke Molina
02-22-2013, 11:58 PM
Can i have source to upload to my own host for $30?

02-23-2013, 12:07 AM
Can i have source to upload to my own host for $30?

Yes, that's for what i sell the source^^

02-28-2013, 06:41 PM
The original creator left the business he gave the whole system to me. So ill sell it now for him :D

I also updated the prices, buy it now :D