View Full Version : Warz New: Gamespot backpack.

02-12-2013, 05:52 PM
I have 35 gamespot backpacks. Yes they are duped a couple of days ago.
If you dont know what the backpack is, google it.
They are extremely rare, even for hackers.

First 15 will go for low (But still reasonable) offers. I'll take paypal money or just ingame items/GC
You always go first.

-PM me on here
-offer in this thread and i will PM you
-Go to my site, and contact live support
-Add me on Skype: Warztrader

Want to see my rep? check my website. It's in my signature.
My first account on TMC got hacked and deleted by a TMC mod. That name was Jeroenk, over 150 posts. People will know me.