View Full Version : The Sky Daddy Auto-Buy System!!! All Key Sellers check this out!!!

03-19-2013, 08:10 AM
The Sky Daddy Presents,
The new way to sell Keys!!!

A one time payment of $10.00 USD. It's very similar to e-junkie.com/getdpd.com. Simply upload your keys and profit!!!

CLICK HERE!!! (http://www.theghettogames.info/Test/ipn/process.php?item_number=Test)

For the test purchase simply pay the $0.01, after you complete the purchase check the email used on your Paypal. (It will be in Spam!!!) There will be a (Banned) Key.(It's a test after all $0.01 Keys would put me out of business ;-P)

It's that simple!!!
For more information contact me on Skype!

Skype: SkyDaddyHacks