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View Full Version : Battlefield BC2 Hack REVAMPED!

Tom M
11-03-2011, 08:07 AM
<blockquote><strong><span class="open">W</span>hat you have seen is nothing, what you will see is everythin<span class="close">g</span></strong>
<p><img src="/CustomImages/bfbc2.png" border="0" width="200" height="200" style="float: left;" /></p>

In regards to our Bad Company 2 cheats/hacks this is exactly right, it was one of the best cheats in the world and guess what? It just got better!

The BC2 hack is our pride and work on it is never finished, as a result we have come up with yet another unique feature; Ghost Aiming! Ghost Aiming is a new feature first seen only on TMCheats, it lets you run around and do whatever you like, but as soon as you press the fire button, enemies around you start dieing!

Your mouse does not move, like with other aimbots. You can carry on doing whatever you want! This feature has endless usages in live tournaments as well as lan parties. Want to own your friends at a lan party? Want to rape you clan members at a get-together? If yes, then this is just the thing for you!

This feature coupled with our Spectator Mode has definitely given us an edge in the BC2 game hacking scene! Spectator mode is the long awaited feature that a lot of video developers have been very eager to get their hands on, it allows you to fly around the whole map! Much like the spectate mode seen in the Counter Strike series, only our cheat allows you to fly around even when alive!

Here is a short video clip demonstrating our astounding list of features, in a sexy new GUI system:

<object data="http://www.youtube.com/v/chRzhoNxU14" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="350" width="425">

</object><object data="http://www.youtube.com/v/fk9GLMqDUUw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="350" width="425">
