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View Full Version : A modest review

11-09-2011, 04:05 PM
I'm not one to normally cheat in online gaming as I see it as unethical and I don't feel right in ruining the enjoyment of others. However, I feel this changes when it becomes apparent that other players on the server are cheating and ruining my fun. I play TF2 quite a bit and even though it is free-to-play now, it doesn't have that many cheaters, at least it doesn't seem as obvious or as hindering. This is not the case with BF3.

During the beta it was clear that people were cheating, mostly using an ESP hack, as sniping became quite difficult, even without a high powered scope (no flare). I didn't care much, I still pre-ordered the game and hoped that the development team would learn from the beta and try and make their security better. As you can see, this didn't happen.

I used Tom's free ESP cheat on non-PB servers for a bit (even when undetected) but stopped once it became detected. I didn't want to risk losing my account and all the games I have on it -- I don't know how Origin works and if PB bans carry over to other games. His free ESP cheat made it clear that he knows what he's doing and he's well versed in reverse engineering games. When the free hack became detected I had hoped that I could go back to my non-cheating ways and enjoy the game as it was intended, but that, too, was not the case. No matter the time, no matter the server, no matter the game type, there were always people cheating and the biggest giveaway was the instant-kill. It's impossible for someone to snipe you with an M249 from 200m while you're running, it just can't happen. Sniping became an issue as people would find me no matter where I hid (even on servers with no kill-cam).

My frustration with the game was at an all-time high. I had spent $60 on a game that I am unable to enjoy because a part of me knows others are cheating and there was little I could do. I searched for free cheats but there are few. The free ones are all detected and offer no PB protection. Non-PB servers are disappearing fast and playing on them with a simple ESP hack is a sure fire way to still leave with a sour taste in your mouth. So, I searched for exclusive or private cheats. The ones available are all at a cost and have similar look-and-feel. Since I had tried Tom's free hack, I felt confident in his ability as a programmer to create a genuine hack.


Before I purchased the subscription, I kept an eye on PBBans.com and this forum to see if anyone said anything about being banned. I was happy to see that there was only 1 occurrence and it was due to the user using an old detected hack. At $15/mo, I took the dive and signed up for a month. What did I have to lose? I was ready to give up on the game and go back to TF2 and the likes or maybe wait for MW3 and hope for the best there. While I own an Xbox and PS3, I refuse to play an FPS on a console, even if it did offer a bit more protection against cheating.

At $15/mo, it's the cheapest I could find after looking at the competition. I cannot justify paying the price of a retail game PER MONTH just to cheat. You can also purchase a 3-month subscription for a discounted price of around $30 or a lifetime subscription for $150, which includes everything for every game he makes. After 10 months, the lifetime subscription will have paid for itself. I couldn't find other sites that offered a similar deal. Most of them state because they can't guarantee when the programmer(s) will leave or how active they will be nor can they guarantee any future updates or releases for new games. I understand that but I think it's primarily a business choice, but I digress.

Tom's cheats, and I would assume the rest of the subscription-based cheats, all use a streamer to authenticate and download the file(s) for injection. The client you download is packed with a 3rd-party tool to prevent reverse engineering. I attempted to unpack the streamer and looked into reverse engineering the packer he uses (will not name it) but it's been well over a decade since I did any assembly/debugging and was lost quickly. I used a packet sniffer to capture the packets it downloads and all of the communication between your computer and his server is secure. The file(s) you download with the streamer are encrypted and only the streamer will decrypt them.

Why am I mentioning this? Because even though anyone can join and download the streamer, you cannot get the unencrypted file(s) without some serious work or knowledge of the packer used. This means that a regular user will have a very difficult time leaking the file(s) and making it truly public. It also means that the development studio, publisher, and Punk Buster will have a tough time to unpack and decrypt the file(s). There are a few other tricks I can try to obtain the unencrypted file(s), but I don't feel the need to meddle with that and I don't know what kind of anti-debugging stuff the streamer has built-in, so I don't want to lose my subscription.

TL;DR: The streamer is extremely secure and it will be a while, if ever, that PB or the likes will have an unencrypted file to look at.

The available screenshots show what cheats are available and what the in-game menu looks like. There's a hotkey you press to bring it up and you can enable/disable options on-the-fly. Changes take affect instantly.

The ESP boxes for the enemy team is the greatest tool available. You can limit the range you view the boxes and can even select the type of information you want shown with it. The player skeleton allows you to see where the player is facing and in what position, which makes knifing easy. You can determine the color of the bounding boxes and whether or not they are hidden or visible (according to your line-of-sight).

There is a built-in warning system that has some small text that shows whether or not an enemy is aiming at you and if they can see you. To be honest, this feature is mostly useless as the text is very small and at the top of the screen so you'll hardly notice it. Furthermore, the bounding boxes' colors will be more than enough information to determine whether or not they are aiming at you and if they can see you or not. You can also generate bounding boxes for your teammates, but it can get confusing and irritating with all of those boxes on the screen. It's easiest with just the enemies only.

Another nifty feature is the 2d radar. This puts a small map (no details) of you in the center and teammates/enemies in various colors on the map relative to your position. This radar does NOT help you with mortars as it's completely different and offers no details. It's simply good to have to know when someone might be sneaking up behind you or if you're in a tank and want to keep an eye out for C4 planters.

I don't really use this feature as I find it too obvious. The options available allow you to select where you will aim (head, chest, legs, etc), whether or not it's active, what hotkey is used to activate it, and what type of prediction to use for the best aim.

There are known issues with using the aimbot with a sniper scope at ranges greater than 200m, Tom knows about this and is working on it. Using the aimbot for medium/close quarters is insanity. You can have it auto-switch to the nearest player and basically take out an entire room of people, though you might be kicked if an admin is present.

A few things to note:

The default key is SHIFT, which is used to run, I believe it's also enabled by default, so when you first start running, you'll notice your aim jerking around a lot for no reason.
Sometimes, the settings won't save and it'll revert back to SHIFT for the aimbot. It does appear to save your setting on whether or not it's enabled.
The last I checked, you cannot map it to the mouse in-game, you'd need to manually edit the .ini file to bind it to a mouse key. This is discussed more in the member's area.

Anti-Punk Buster:
There is built-in functionality to either block PB screenshots (default) or send them clean ones. Since you can't be banned (globally) for blank screenshots, it's the safest bet as it's unclear how the 'clean' one works or if it can be compromised in the future. There is also a 'screenshot' mode feature that disables all on-screen cheat-related items. Pressing this button essentially turns off the hack. This is good if you want to take screenshots, videos or if you're embarrassed your friends will see you cheating while they visit.

Stability for the most part is fairly solid. I've only had it crash on me twice when I was enabling/disabling the instant-kill option. My method of injecting is to join a server and let Battlelog say the 'Game is ready!' and then I inject and switch to the BF3 window. If I do it while the map is loading, sometimes BF3 will freeze completely or I will get dumped to the desktop with a non-responding program error. Once in-game, however, there are few issues and it's tough to determine whether or not they are caused by the hack or not.

Tom and his crew are quick to offer support and are always willing to assist you if you have any problems. The streamer and in-game menu are so simple to use that there are very few problems. Tom is quick to disable and update his hacks if/when they are detected and so far hasn't had any issues with many players being banned, the only ban I can recall is the one mentioned above. Tom is also open to suggestion and bug reports for his hacks and is constantly updating them to meet the needs of his clients. Even if Tom is unavailable, there are still many members around to assist in most matters.

Since Tom is active on many other forums, he has a solid reputation following him. He's not some fly-by-night scammer looking for a quick buck. He shares his knowledge as best he can so long as it doesn't jeopardize his private hacks and business.

Final Words:

Whether you're trying to be like me and even the playing field a bit and add a little spice, or just want to go balls-to-the-wall cheating, Tom and his crew are the best at what they provide. Their price cannot be beat and his hacks are phenomenal. I was skeptical at first and mainly played non-PB servers even when I was using the private hack. After a week or so of no one mentioning they got banned, I went public. I haven't had a problem in any server I've joined and I've been careful to not be too obvious when I hack. I tend to only use the instant-kill when using a sniper rifle, though sometimes I forget and use an M249 and clear out a room on accident and hope no one notices. Since BF3's kill cam faces you, it's difficult for other players to see how you're performing when they're dead as they can't see your spray or what you're shooting at.

Given all the options available in this cheat, it should make all types of players happy. You can rest assured that your account will remain in good standing while in the company of Tom and his team. The cheat status is always available in the streamer and on the forum. I haven't tried out the competition, and don't plan on it, but I can't imagine how it could get any better. I never understood why people would pay for cheats, I always thought of it as laughable and pointless, but I've since seen the light and am enjoying BF3 that much more.

Not only is the cheat cheap, stable, reliable, but Tom is always available to assist in issues and features. Should the cheat ever be detected, you'll be sure to know before you get banned. If there was a gold standard that cheats should be held to, this is it.

11-09-2011, 04:09 PM
monster view!
It does work now to change the aim button in game :)

11-09-2011, 04:29 PM
Nice Review.

Tom M
11-09-2011, 05:30 PM
Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review, its very appreciated!

Also stickied it, so it doesn't get lost.

11-09-2011, 06:58 PM
Very well written

11-09-2011, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the kind words. :)

11-09-2011, 10:23 PM
This is the best reviews i ever seen :O !

11-10-2011, 01:56 AM
Lol best review you've "never" seen u say?

11-10-2011, 02:03 AM
Sorry grammar error :p

11-10-2011, 03:01 AM
Very well written. And informative to those of us who have used hacks for years without really knowing
The in's and out's of the workings. Also for an unethical hack believing gamer you sure are hack savvy.

but nice post..

11-10-2011, 12:51 PM
Very well written. And informative to those of us who have used hacks for years without really knowing
The in's and out's of the workings. Also for an unethical hack believing gamer you sure are hack savvy.

but nice post..

In a previous life I used to write trainers for games (MASM) and also did some software cracking with SoftICE, but that was ~10-15 years ago. The trainers I wrote were for single-player only, very few actually worked online (which was the fault of the game studio not making certain things server-side, like ammo or health). I also have a personal quest to understand everything I see, so when I first had the Streamer, I wanted to tinker with it and find out how it worked.

I plan on picking up an assembly book and looking into playing with a free-to-play game that's protected with PB, probably BFP4F. I'm more curious about the anti-PB countermeasures than I am about the in-game hack. Anyway, I could go on for hours about this topic, but I think it'd get boring fast. Thanks for the kind words.

02-19-2012, 08:21 PM
Nice review,Great amount of detail.

02-24-2012, 08:15 PM

04-09-2012, 12:42 AM
Nice Review

04-09-2012, 11:27 AM
that is a good1 we all appreciated

06-21-2012, 03:38 PM
Was a very good review. I like how you detailed just about everything. Right now i think there are 11 Companys that do BF3 hacks and so far i think Tm cheats is the best.

08-11-2012, 09:29 PM
Yeah, really really good review. I prefer to read this all before you buying.

08-11-2012, 10:57 PM
Welcome here to TMC. This is some some review. The time and effort you put in this review is amazing.

08-11-2012, 11:22 PM
how long did it take you to write it? lol AMAZING review i think we all can agree.

08-12-2012, 03:58 PM
Oskar pumped old thread.:P

Back on-topic,I believes the author of this thread did put a lot of effort on reviewing TMCheats.

I use TMCheats since it was founded,i also see that there are lot of improvements that Tom made to the hack and also to the streamer ,of-course and the site theme :)

Keep up the good work,Tom~!

(we need someone create review of new TMCheats like this xD)

08-12-2012, 04:52 PM
Oskar pumped old thread.:P

Back on-topic,I believes the author of this thread did put a lot of effort on reviewing TMCheats.

I use TMCheats since it was founded,i also see that there are lot of improvements that Tom made to the hack and also to the streamer ,of-course and the site theme :)

Keep up the good work,Tom~!

(we need someone create review of new TMCheats like this xD)

Yeah frend.