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View Full Version : BF3 lifetime hack - Questions related to its function

12-14-2011, 07:21 PM
Hi, Tom.

I have bought 2 BF3 hacks before, 1 is "IH", other is "CH", they have different bugs and problems that let me feel annoyed.
As lifetime purchasing is a important decision for me. (It has a really long purchasing time!)
I would like to ask a few questions before I make the decision of purchasing this hack.

1. Is it possible to auto aim inside all of the transports? (e.g. heli, flight, jet, jeep, tank...etc) Please tell me which transport will not support auto aiming if it has.

2. Will it gets any errors that makes the BF3 force close when I play in BF3 if I enabled this hack?

3. For knife hack, could it possible to control who to kill and if yes, kill the target for how long of distance?

If every thing alright, you will see my subscription within 1 week. Cheers!:)

12-14-2011, 07:34 PM
Hi, Tom.

I have bought 2 BF3 hacks before, 1 is "IH", other is "CH", they have different bugs and problems that let me feel annoyed.
As lifetime purchasing is a important decision for me. (It has a really long purchasing time!)
I would like to ask a few questions before I make the decision of purchasing this hack.

1. Is it possible to auto aim inside all of the transports? (e.g. heli, flight, jet, jeep, tank...etc) Please tell me which transport will not support auto aiming if it has.

2. Will it gets any errors that makes the BF3 force close when I play in BF3 if I enabled this hack?

3. For knife hack, could it possible to control who to kill and if yes, kill the target for how long of distance?

If every thing alright, you will see my subscription within 1 week. Cheers!:)

Forget to type before I submitted the thread, seems that there is no options for me to edit the thread that I owned.

4. What ghost aim exactly does? What difference between this and normal aim? (I saw the hack description said: This is the soul of this hack, try it and you will never use a normal aimbot again!)

12-14-2011, 08:02 PM
Forget to type before I submitted the thread, seems that there is no options for me to edit the thread that I owned.

4. What ghost aim exactly does? What difference between this and normal aim? (I saw the hack description said: This is the soul of this hack, try it and you will never use a normal aimbot again!)
it means you can kill enemy with out aimnig on him you 2 meters away from soldier and you will kill him

12-14-2011, 08:54 PM
it means you can kill enemy with out aimnig on him you 2 meters away from soldier and you will kill him

Thanks for the answer, waiting for the answer of question 1-3. Cheers:cool:

12-14-2011, 09:25 PM
1.Probly yes
2.no if you do evrything right
3.i thing yes its calld whitelist

Tom M
12-14-2011, 10:01 PM
The aimbot works in gunner seats for all vehicles.

No, it wont autoclose your game.

Knife hack kills everyone, theres no whitelist for it atm.