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View Full Version : Interested N00Bler on cheats - what is the level of your support ?

01-13-2012, 01:12 PM
Hi Tom,

Currently I am on the FPS hacks and face lot of HW locks. I have to wait 2 to 5 hours maybe the next day for them to unlock my hack to play. Second off, the cheats causes the bf3.exe stop responding when closing the game and then HW lock again. Third, If I change/upgrade my HW do you charge to get it unlock ?
I don't want to shift if the same is here coz I am paying for a product and it should work then giving more trouble to me. I hardly play the game without hacks because I don't want to be another hacker's prey, basically hack the hacker :p.

Please let me know if you can promise me atleast that my hack does not locks me down if my game crashes, if not then I am in because crashes can be fixed but the time spent to get HW lock cannot be retrieve.

I am a working dude and spent my time playing BF3 to relax and remove work related stress. So cannot add more stress on HW locks.


Tom M
01-13-2012, 01:32 PM
Hey, I am not sure what you mean by hardware lock when your game crashes. Our hardware locks are based on your computer so you only need a reset if you reinstall your OS. Resets are free but you can only get one per week.

Our hack is stable, there haven't been any crash reports. However, PB has been acting up so our hack was detected. Its being tested atm so the status will be updated soon.