View Full Version : Battlefield 3 Cheat Security question

06-01-2013, 02:57 PM

I will probably buy your cheat - it seems to be great. But i have to ask something first.
1. Does this cheat let me play on PunkBuster servers safely without ban? - just wondering if PB bypass still works.
2. Can pay for it via paypal but not by credid card, only with avaiable money on account?
3. I see that currently the cheat for BF3 is offline, when will be avaialbe back?

06-07-2013, 09:10 AM
I am not shore If I am allowed to answer your question but seeming as noone else has I might aswell.

1. Yes It does, its the best hack there is out there at the moment and I have been using it now for the past 6 Months and as long as you use it probably without raging and killing 50 people in 1 minute then yes it is very safe.
2. I have been paying via paypal since I have been a member on this site, If you have enough money on your account or on paypal then yes you can pay if not its up to your bank if you are allowed to go in minus but its expensive.
3. For all I know the Hack is not online "YET" , TM Cheats are crazy fast at fixing things and if its not online at the moment then it will have a damn fujking good reason. (Sorry for the french)

All in all it is fantastic, wait for it to come back online and go for it.

Greetz MongoPusher