View Full Version : [WTS] New WarZ accounts in stock!

07-12-2013, 12:00 AM
I wish a goodday everybody, its me again, stealthboy. Now that all battlefield 3 accounts have almost been sold out I want to share the information that we're selling currently over 80 WarZ accounts (no pioneer, legendary) and really cheap, as we have so many we may arrange accounts for every moneypocket! The prices start at 2€~ and may lead up to totally awesome accounts for about 15€. Its really worth it, for more information visit our teamspeak 3 server: v16.de:1888 or add me on steam: "sauron1122" (Nerd for Life) [[CAREFUL: this is NOT my skype add, some may mentioned adding me on skype although I haven't given my skypeinformations out]]

We're really looking forward meeting you nice wo-/men out there wanting to have some fun with this amazing tmcheats hack^^
We also sell a new feature: a Key insurance:_ If the Key is sudden not available due issues like changing log-in datas_ for only 1,50€ extra. If the account will be unavailable we will surely hand out a new key to you after checking(only counts 1 time). For further information pls visit our teamspeak or/and add me on steam.
When on our server poke either "Lilith..." or "Nerd for Life | Nik" if you're interested in buying accounts from us.
You may also change your teamspeak username to "Want to buy XYZ-account" as some did and I'm really glad for that it really helps us.

With regards,

07-12-2013, 02:29 AM
So we have to pay extra if you f*ck up and give out a bad account, lame

07-12-2013, 12:23 PM
So we have to pay extra if you f*ck up and give out a bad account, lame

Thats not quiet correct, we don't use these accounts, other people neither do. we sure got some active accounts too where we wait until the player doesn't play the game anymore + those are russian keys.
I think it is really unfair to write a bad comment before you even visited our teamspeak for further informations.

EDIT: btw the 1,50 extra are absolutely optional


07-12-2013, 03:55 PM
I Vouche for You. I buy more than 30 The WarZ / Infestation Accounts on several times. It was always everything quickly and easily. :D

07-12-2013, 04:01 PM
So we have to pay extra if you f*ck up and give out a bad account, lame

From all these Accounts, i have buy, was 1 after 3 Days with invalid E-Mail. I go to the Teamspeak, say that, and they give me immediately a new Account.

07-13-2013, 01:32 PM

07-14-2013, 01:43 PM

08-14-2013, 07:02 PM
Buy now more than 300 Acc`s. All time fast and easily.
This acc`s is only sell 1 time and PB-Bann controlled. And also this will be replaced immediately, even if within -3 Hours after purchase is a PB ban it! ! !

Visit Teamspeak 3 server: v16.de:1888 ask for Lilith

Big Vouche for You Lilith :D