View Full Version : Crash bf3.exe when inject.

07-16-2013, 07:32 PM
I have problem.
When i try to inject hack "bf3.exe is stopping their work".
System - win 8x64.
Bf3.exe runned as admin.
Streamer running as admin (for win 7 cap.)
Not matter delay time 1 or 20 or pressing load and after it join the game, anyway when count is 20..19..4..3..2..1.. and bf3.exe stops. :((
Pleace help me.
Win 8 fully updated.
Files like directX and other from [DOWNLOAD] instal. files i downloaded but i cant install them cos sys is alkready updated. :((

07-16-2013, 08:24 PM
Someone please help me...
Why game is crash when i inject cheat? What am i doing wrong?
I use TM cheat about 2 month ago on win 7 and everything was fine.

07-17-2013, 08:43 AM
I've set it to 0 delay and inject when I see the loading level, have you tried it there?

07-17-2013, 08:48 AM
0 delay is impossible, 1 delay is minimum. And i tried to load when loading level...bf3.3xe stops. :(((

07-17-2013, 01:35 PM
Did you launch it through Origin or through the BF3 directory?

07-17-2013, 09:05 PM
Hey Flexauer,

Have you tried to turn UAC all the way down to 'Nothing' that's the User Account Control settings. Give that a whiz and see how you progress.

If not post back here and I'll have a look into it further.

Best Wishes,
