View Full Version : (WTS) $1 : 15 x .308 winchester ammo

08-08-2013, 09:15 AM
Skype: Syownzb

$1 : 15 x .308 winchester ammo

Bulk Discount

$100 : 2000 x .308 winchester

3000 x.308 In Stock

*Minimum $10 Worth per translation

08-13-2013, 05:04 AM
dead spawn trade? skype?

08-13-2013, 05:18 AM
dead spawn trade? skype?


08-13-2013, 11:00 AM
That's a lot of stock. Anyone tried storing more then 1000 ammo clips in their Global inventory without getting your account monitored or banned ?
Reason I ask Hammerpoint is deleting ALL the lockboxes from colorado servers after they release the new California map. They said they will give us time to collect our loot and lockboxes before the wipe.
This was confirmed from kewk on a youtube video.

08-13-2013, 12:10 PM
na i have not been monitred or banned and i had over 8000 .308s and 4000 cmags along with 30000 dx's in my gi for best part of a year and been getting more and more

08-13-2013, 12:48 PM
That's a lot of stock. Anyone tried storing more then 1000 ammo clips in their Global inventory without getting your account monitored or banned ?
Reason I ask Hammerpoint is deleting ALL the lockboxes from colorado servers after they release the new California map. They said they will give us time to collect our loot and lockboxes before the wipe.
This was confirmed from kewk on a youtube video.

Can you show me link of that video ?
And i have over 3k ammo in my Gi since Feb , none of my accounts are banned

08-14-2013, 11:53 AM
Can you show me link of that video ?
And i have over 3k ammo in my Gi since Feb , none of my accounts are banned

The youtube channel below regularly has well known Infestation PVP players and devs talking about the game.

time 09:51 ( click link below )
Question to Kewk about the lockboxes removed from servers when new map California released.
Must collect loot and lockboxes and store in your GI. Apparently its too hard to migrate the lockboxes already being used in the game world to the new map.

time 23:26 ( click link below )
Dakota joins the google hangout chat

time 30:45 ( click link below )
transporting between safe zones question

08-14-2013, 03:08 PM
Nice price sir, will be buying from you soon ;)

08-25-2013, 04:57 AM
More .308 in stock !