View Full Version : BF3 questions first use tm cheats

08-17-2013, 04:42 AM
Hello TM-Cheats,

I want buy your bf3 hack but igot 2 questions i got banned from my bf3 acc and i want buy a new key and your hack can i start instantly or did i need to do before i can install bf3 with other acc new. i heard any ppls. got banned instantly from pb with his new key also did i need any instructions to try play bf3 with new acc and the best hack. And did you have any tutorials to download and install the hack zb. uac and dep and antivirus off asory for that question but i dont have vip access.

Ps. sory for bad enlisch iam German :/
I come from a other hack site while i see your awsome hacks and the other side all time detectet.


08-18-2013, 06:05 PM

Once you buy the hack there will be a big "CLICK HERE 2 DOWNLOAD" with instructions, so you will be set too go once payment is made.

08-18-2013, 06:10 PM
If you buy a new BF3 key, you must use it on a new clean origin account, NOT on the one with the banned account or the new key will be banned as well ;)