View Full Version : Buying BULK ISS Items

10-27-2013, 07:48 PM
I'm looking to buy all these items.

Chainsaws - $2.50 ea
VSS Vintorez - $1 ea
Blaser R93 - $.90 ea
Stanag 30/60/C-Mag - you offer your sales price
Bandages DX - 250DX for 6$
.308 Winchester Ammo - 100x for 9$
VSS-20 - 100x for 9$

Post on this thread, PM me on here or message me on Skype.
Skype name : damickelyo

10-28-2013, 05:09 AM
So vss-20 and winchester ammo is same price? lol

10-28-2013, 04:45 PM
I've purchased for same price before.

10-28-2013, 08:09 PM
I have 65 cmags.. Probably 20 bucks for all. I can add more if youd like :). Skype: Jordan14d, $habba Rank$

10-29-2013, 12:21 PM
got 70 cmags for sale 5 for $1