View Full Version : Selling warz accounts. 2$

10-31-2013, 07:33 PM
These go fast. Please always post on this thread before you buy.

I need to earn some rep so I wouldnt mind going first with empties, but unchecked you might scam me.

unchecked: 2.50$
hacking: 2$(empty acc)

add sythichf on skype

11-01-2013, 03:15 AM
too much

I would buy them for .50 each as I can get my own but i am too lazy to go get them

11-01-2013, 03:44 AM
Oh my.

Its you from RZ lol, you went from begging for DEV on servers to selling WarZ accounts.

That is hil freacking larious.

The reasons why is expensive is because he prob bought them for $1 or $1.50 and is trying to re sell.