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View Full Version : My BattleField 4 Review

11-07-2013, 11:59 PM
Woo first bf4 review! i think
(After 15 hrs of game time approx)
This hack brings my subscription total to 9 months.
As a previous Ex-technical Moderator on a larger hack site ( I left because I was too busy with school)
This cheat is marvellous. The release date is basically on spot and fastest as ever.
The coding is very well done and not mediocre like other "cheat" sites similar to tmcheat's size.
(The streamer/injector is well done. I haven't seen any down times.)
Everything is flawless, infact the only thing that is making me not get the 100% bf4 experience is EA's laggy servers.
I can run Ultra with 200 fps on campaign with tmcheats.
+1 Cheap and perfect.
1 thing, I don't see instant kill/1 shot kill (It might be that you have not implemented it yet.)
If your on the edge on getting it, DO IT :D

On a side note:
Wish you would bring me on board tom.
Sent Promotional videos approx 7 months ago but i think you might have not seen it because the scale of pm's you get. You were intrigued and we went back and forth over like 5 pm's
Ex-Techinical Moderator
ran customer service
ran Team Speak server help
aswell as teamviewer.
done a little bit of backboarding/Back panel (though i think hardware id reset can be done buy users themselfs)
Done videos. Anyways ill embed it here and ill put it on the WarZ section later
