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View Full Version : I want your Old ISS lists

11-30-2013, 05:13 PM
Do you have an old list of usernames and passwords for ISS?

If so I would like to get those since you cannot use them anymore,I just built a new program that can extract usable keys from them it is not a 100% i get a key but the odds are i get a few .

Banned or Unbanned accounts are all good to me

Give me your useless list and in return if I get any to work I will cut you in on the profit.

Those here know me and I am 100% legit, If I make money so will you.

What do you have to lose?

You have $$ to gain.

send me the list to my email firekewk@gmail.com include your Paypal info unless you want the new key then advise me in a PM here

I have gotten a ton of keys and gear so far ...so get hopping and send those to me