View Full Version : CSGO Triggerbot

12-20-2013, 11:33 AM
Hi , i just bought the csgo hackyesterday and played just with esp, my question is if the triggerbot is undetected?

12-20-2013, 12:44 PM
Hello cosmic, you must know, that when something gets detected it i the whole hack itself, not single features, the triggerbot is safe as every single feature of the hack, the only ban you can get is a overwatch ban, what gives you a one year matchmaking ban :) i hope i was able to help you, and happy hacking :)

12-20-2013, 01:14 PM
so i cant play on matchmaking anymore then? lol , but i can join community servers ect?

12-20-2013, 04:23 PM
Please learn on how to use the forums correctly!
This is not support!

For CSGO go to the "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" support forum.
You will find more info there then here.

http://www.teamsteamer.com/data/tmc/closed.png (http://www.tmcheats.com/forums/f2/forum-rules-|-last-updated-24-september-2013-a-47197/)