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View Full Version : Infestation cheat

01-14-2014, 04:47 PM
Hello, I have threequestions:
1) is the cheat for infestation detected or not?
2)is there any aimbot in the cheat? if yes is it ok or does it give problems?
3) how often do you update the cheat?and is there any support if we have problem with the cheat?

Ty for your answers

01-18-2014, 03:01 AM
1)Nope, only FF can ban you
2) The client has a aimbot
3) Tom do his best to update it soon as possible, (like 1-2 days max) and ofc there is a support.

01-18-2014, 08:27 AM
Here is something

We have the lowest rate of detection out of all the other cheats

I have used all of them and this is by far not only the best cheat but the best community

The other communities are run by terror Nazi's and will ban for telling them how much they suck