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View Full Version : Sessions or Single Use only

02-04-2014, 08:51 PM
Does your bot use a session system or single ip use system. In other words if I travel with my laptop to a different location and my IP then changes because I am in a different location will my account be locked. I travel alot and play games on the road and I have run into some other bots that have disabled my account because of a different location showing up. I understand that people try to share accounts and unlike my World of warcraft, World of Tanks, SWTOR and Diablo bots they don't allow for use from other IP locations. This in my opinion is very cheap and crappy system just need to know before I purchase your bot. I would like to add I am a lifetime member for another bot that handles WoW, Diablo, SWTOR and WoT. I am a very frequent cheater and would love to join your group of botters!

Thank you in advance for your response.