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View Full Version : Global inventory for Iss Keys

03-13-2014, 04:18 PM
VSS : 26 (100/100)
AWM : 19 (100/100)
Imi tar : 70 (100/100) and 17 (under 100 durability)
G36 : 39 (100/100) and 1 (under 100 durability)
Cqc : 243 (100/100) and 19 (under 100 durability)
Aa-12 : 132 (100/100)
Saiga : 12 (100/100)
M4 semi : 11 (100/100)
M4 a : 32 (100/100)
sig 556 : 100 (100/100) and 13(under 100 durability)
Night stalker : 66(100/100) and 17(under 100 durability)
Honey : 72 (100/100) and 13 (under 100 durability)
Masada : 95 (100/100) and 1 (under 100 durability)
Bandage(green) : 647
Pain killers : 620
DX : 140
Lockbox : 17
AA-12 drum : 140
C-mag : 27
BMG : 16
.308 : 27
Harvesting tool : 78
Jokoto katana : 1
Granade : 50
Mili rucks : 27
Kstyle nvg : 61(100/100) and 8 (under 100 durability)
Large bckp : 48
Medium backpack : 16
Alice : 38
Blasers : 18 (under 100 durability)
M107 : 10(100/100) and 1 (under 100 durability)
Mausers : 14 (under 100 durability)
Mauser srg desert : 21 (under 100 durability)

Trade only with trusted guys and ONLY FOR INFESTATION KEYS

03-13-2014, 06:30 PM
how many keys for ur stuff ?

03-13-2014, 09:18 PM
I belive this guy is a scammer, i added him on skype and he said that he only wanted 6 accounts for his inv (way to low price for these items) He said that he wanted 3 accounts before and then 3 after. When i told him to meet me ingame and show me that he was legit he called me untrusted and didnt want to do the trade anymore. Just an advice. Dont buy stuff here.

03-13-2014, 09:58 PM
omg you are say you want stuffs first...but you arent trusted guy so go away please