View Full Version : Arma2 OA/DayZ Hack compatibility question

03-25-2014, 03:55 PM
Hey I'm new here and just had a quick question about the Arma2/DayZ hack before I purchased. Does it work with other mods well? Specifically I want to play DayZero which uses its own launcher. Is that a problem, and will it work with that mod? Thanks for any input :)

03-26-2014, 01:40 PM
Hey I'm new here and just had a quick question about the Arma2/DayZ hack before I purchased. Does it work with other mods well? Specifically I want to play DayZero which uses its own launcher. Is that a problem, and will it work with that mod? Thanks for any input :)
well im not 100% sure but i think they only support chernarus eventho it probably work for other mods too (thats atleast what other dayz hack websites do)
but im not sure!
btw nice name ;)