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View Full Version : Selling 2 GI's for Infestation: Survior Stories

05-29-2014, 12:20 PM
1st Gi's Stuff:

61 sig 556
70 IMI tars
5 VSS's
4 blazers
5 SVD's
289 stanag
96 customs
13 IBA sand
6 kstyle (including k style NVG)
8 lockers
102 DX
and More

2nd Gi's Stuff:

All Random Dura and random ammo
144 M4 Auto
56 Tars
11 556
120 m16's
90 m4 semi's
6 blasers
12 vss
5 svds
4 mauser
40 honeybadger
38 Nightstalker
Way over 200 randoms including shotguns, uzi, mp5,akm,ak-74u etc

Armor/backpacks Random dura
61 large backpack
49 alice backpack
31 military backpack
97 customs
144 mtv's
70 ish iba sands

Skype: luke.crafer
We Will Show proof that this is ours :)

1. Only accept Paypal
2. Send the Payment as Friends and Family
3. You May Not Chargeback

05-29-2014, 03:23 PM
With this being your first post at all, this is pretty sketch.

it looks like a dope gi, but you didn't put a offering price and we have no idea if you have previously cheated on it to get all that loot. Especially cause you're selling it on a cheating site and you're subscribed.

05-29-2014, 08:04 PM
With this being your first post at all, this is pretty sketch.

it looks like a dope gi, but you didn't put a offering price and we have no idea if you have previously cheated on it to get all that loot. Especially cause you're selling it on a cheating site and you're subscribed.

This is my New account since i forgot my login Info and this is my 2 friends Gi's and they are sellling it i just posted it for them if your want you can pm them on skype (its on the fourm) and they will show u proof like screen share and anything else you need.

05-31-2014, 01:31 PM

06-02-2014, 10:06 AM
How much?

06-02-2014, 01:32 PM
This is my New account since i forgot my login Info and this is my 2 friends Gi's and they are sellling it i just posted it for them if your want you can pm them on skype (its on the fourm) and they will show u proof like screen share and anything else you need.

What is the old login and Transaction ID from payment?

I will get that info for you

06-02-2014, 01:37 PM
Please be careful when dealing with new accounts on TMCheats. It could always be someone on the Blacklist. However you can always use a trusted Middleman (Moderator) to prevent scam when doing the transaction. :)
