View Full Version : Arma 2 Epoch *SHOP*

06-16-2014, 09:50 PM
Arma*2* Epoch Shop
Hi, as the title says Arma 2 Epoch shop, im spawning in some stuffs for peapols on
arma 2 for a small amount of cash. I can also do this on Battle eye secure servers! Prices will be below. OBS: I can now spawn in vechiles!
Almost every single thing can i spawn in expect on servers with infistar i can only spawn in brief cases/MK Mod 0/DMR/Lapua Magnum!

SHOP:Closed, got global banned :| Fixing this as fast as possible!!:
50 Brief cases: 7$

100 Brief cases: 11$

150 Brief cases: 15$
This can be done on infistar servers! =)

Package's(More coming soon)
Starter Pack:7$
ToolBox/Etool/Hunting Knife
DMR with 3 Mags
6 Brief Cases
Ghillie Suit Can only be Given on some servers! If i can't give this then the price will be 5$
Large Gunbag

Does a guy on your server have a huge base you want? For only 8$ I can give you the codes to every lock in the base even give keys
to the vechiles!(The price is 8$ and will be so even if the base is huge or small!)

5x Ghillie suits (1$)
10x DMR (5$)
10x MK MOD 0 (3$)
__________________________________________________ ________
Epoch - wood stuffs, stairs/walls etc: 5$
Epoch - Cinder/Metal stuffs, cinder block walls, metal floor etc: 7$
Repair stuffs, Like scrap metal etc: 3$
Medical stuffs, morphine/Painkillers/Some food etc: 4$
Fortifications (Adding soon)
Weapon (Adding a list to this soon)
|This can't be done on servers with infistar, every time i try to spawn in they kick me|
__________________________________________________ ________
For TM~Cheat subscribers only!
200 Brief cases 8$! <--- CHEAP!

You can also ask me if you want a spefic item just ask and ill try to fix it for you
Trading can be done in safe zones and also i can come to your base.

Important: This can't get you global banned(just me) but you can be banned by a admin from the server for help from a cheater. But you should be safe! You can contact me on the forum, or add my skype (epochshop)

06-17-2014, 02:43 AM
i never really seen a an DayZ Shop before thats cool

06-17-2014, 04:17 AM
Emh, yeah^^ Hopefully here is someone that play arma 2 and want something :P

06-18-2014, 04:21 AM

06-19-2014, 01:56 AM
Im looking to buy the 200 briefs for $8 If you ask me, this is a really nice and generous business. I mean $8 for 200 briefs!? Thats amazing man. If only you could change my humanity, I would fucking love you.

06-19-2014, 02:45 AM
I also would love to change humanity I can sorta help you out like do missions with you for free! But can't change your humanity since it's running on the server it would be like trying to cheat on LoL with cheat engine but yeah add my Skype then we can talk;)

06-20-2014, 10:53 AM
Nice shop :P and also, nice TMCheat subscriber offer

06-21-2014, 11:36 PM
What a great idea!

I will be willing to purchase from you in the next few weeks after I have built my new computer :cool:

06-22-2014, 11:43 AM
Thanks TiWi! ;) Okey, Patient! Just add me on skype then i will be avaible at anytime! ;)

06-22-2014, 12:11 PM
Thanks TiWi! ;) Okey, Patient! Just add me on skype then i will be avaible at anytime! ;)

A few questions:
1. Are the 200 briefcases FULL of 10 10oz golds and would I be counted for the special offer?
2. Would you be able to use some of my briefcases to TP to a trader get the building supplies and then TP back to me with the stuff I need?

06-22-2014, 01:13 PM
Double post....

06-22-2014, 01:17 PM
A few questions:
1. Are the 200 briefcases FULL of 10 10oz golds and would I be counted for the special offer?
2. Would you be able to use some of my briefcases to TP to a trader get the building supplies and then TP back to me with the stuff I need?

Patient, yep i can do that if the server doesn't have infistar ;) And yes it would be counted as the special offer.
And yes the 200 brief cases are FULL with 10 10oz gold.
I can also give you a offer for 10$ i give you building supplies(cinder block stuffs 10x and cinder blocks 100, bucket of mortar 25 there is more can't write every thing)+ the 200 brief cases ;)

06-22-2014, 02:32 PM
Patient, yep i can do that if the server doesn't have infistar ;) And yes it would be counted as the special offer.
And yes the 200 brief cases are FULL with 10 10oz gold.
I can also give you a offer for 10$ i give you building supplies(cinder block stuffs 10x and cinder blocks 100, bucket of mortar 25 there is more can't write every thing)+ the 200 brief cases ;)

That sounds interesting but the server I play on has infistar god dammit, could we try something like getting a key to a vehicle and then using that to travel to the traders?

Also - please accept my skype request.

06-23-2014, 06:45 PM
I can spaw in stuff just don't teleport because its logged by infistar! I can do everything else even get the codes to a base if you want!

Accepted you on skype!

06-25-2014, 12:53 AM
Lol. I do 100 briefcases for $2.....

06-25-2014, 02:27 AM
And? Diffrent prices? So go away now please.

06-25-2014, 05:01 AM
10/10! Would definitely do again! Great service. I highly recommend this guys ;)

06-27-2014, 03:16 AM
Bump, thanks Rover! ;)

07-05-2014, 05:37 AM

07-06-2014, 09:20 PM
I also would love to change humanity I can sorta help you out like do missions with you for free! But can't change your humanity since it's running on the server it would be like trying to cheat on LoL with cheat engine but yeah add my Skype then we can talk;)

Humanity is easy as fuck to edit, what you on about? You just can't do it to other players because of @INFIstar.

Its not even HARD to hack on infistar servers.

07-07-2014, 03:18 PM
I can change my humanity now, seems like you havent checked out Infistar really? Im testing stuff on my server and adding humanity to fast will be logged by infistar. Infistar is not easy to hack on you are just making it sound easy to hack on. And it seems like you can't teleport i can. Im going into debug then then teleporting to the place i want. ;)

07-25-2014, 06:42 PM
Bump, OPEN once again!

08-02-2014, 03:20 PM