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View Full Version : Some doubts, can helps ?

07-08-2012, 06:43 PM
I want to emprove my stats on BF3 but i want to do it more hide and smooth possible, so i think to use some think like macro with wallhacks them a friend say something about change damage then i have 2 question about your BF3 cheat.

I can change Bullet damage ? for ex. normal chest hit = 1multiplier, HS = 1.25 multiplier, can i change this damage hit ?

M16 in chest hit 25 dmg i can change this value or the multiplier ?

Waht is this "Configurable Aim Bones" ?

Thanks :)

07-09-2012, 01:56 PM
Someone ?
Maybe i'm not clear with my exemple

New exemple, with a weapon i need to hit 5 times on enemy chest, your cheat can change this number changing the bullet damage or i can create some configuration like,
first shot at head all other on chest then kill more fast and not have a big HK% at my stats.

Tom M
07-09-2012, 03:29 PM
We have an Instant Kill hack that will kill an enemy with a single bullet, you can also adjust which bone to shoot at.