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View Full Version : Launcher?

06-20-2014, 07:02 PM
When I start the rename.exe. which I personally have renamed to fuck, it lets me log in and has the cheat selection drop down box. However, that box is empty......... I am currently subscribed to the Infestation: Survivor Stories hack. Any assistance would be a great help.

06-20-2014, 07:22 PM
If you have the x86bit Streamer, download the x64bit Streamer. If you have the x64bit Streamer, download the x86bit Streamer.


06-20-2014, 07:23 PM
The download link is not currently working for me. Please do help. I click the click here to download and it says unable to find webpage.

06-20-2014, 07:38 PM
It tries to download, then says "Unable to Download". It works for my friends but not for me. Please help.

06-20-2014, 07:39 PM
The download link is not currently working for me. Please do help. I click the click here to download and it says unable to find webpage.

Click this link sir. http://www.tmcheats.com/forums/f17/%5Bhowto%5D-tm-streamer-10/

and at the bottom, click download x64bit Streamer.


06-20-2014, 07:41 PM
If you can't download the 64 bit, download the 86bit. The 64bit is only for Battlefield games.


06-22-2014, 12:47 AM
Ask your friend to send it on skype to you, if you can't download it. Or maybe tell him to download it to a USB and let you borrow hes usb.

06-22-2014, 07:41 AM
Don't listen to Roflmaozor, he is always way off with his answers...

ISS is a 32bit game, so you need the 32bit streamer
When you click on the download link, you should be redirected to this page: http://www.tmcheats.com/forums/f17/%5Bhowto%5D-tm-streamer-10/

Sometimes an adblocker can stop the download, disable it in that case.

Sine this is in lounge and not support => closed!

http://www.teamsteamer.com/data/tmc/closed.png (http://www.tmcheats.com/forums/f2/forum-rules-|-last-updated-24-september-2013-a-47197/)