View Full Version : ISS/Warz Hack Question

07-16-2014, 03:16 AM
Hey guys was wondering if you could answer a quick question for me before I buy the Warz hack,
I have used the hack before but that was a while back, back before Fairfight was so powerful and I used to get many accounts for cheap. I was trying to go the more "legit" route now. I have used some other cheat providers and they were good but I am especially interested in TM because of the "movement prediction" option. I was wondering if that option is still available and it still works? While using some other providers I realized that the aimbot would work but it would not work very well if the person was moving horizontally in one direction. In fact, most of my bullets would not hit unless the person was either extremely close to me or standing completely still. I think that the "movement prediction" option would help with that by shooting in front of them a bit to help the bullets land more precisely. If the feature is still enabled, does it work well and is it highly detected? Sorry for the length, I just wanted to clarify the problems that I was having in the past with other providers. Looking forward to a response.