View Full Version : Cs:Go - Stuff

08-21-2014, 03:02 PM
Counter Strike Global offensive!
Okey there is a few stuff that should be added/fixed:
Spectate:So you can specate peapol with wallhack, like i'm trying to support my friends when we are playing and when i'm using tm cheats, but when i die i can't see where peapols are, so there should be something so you can spectate peapols and still see them trought walls with ESP! (Don't know if it's possible)

Wallhack:There is a future so you can see your enemy's weapon, doesn't work for me and not my friend either. And the 3D boxes is kinda buggy, don't know if it's suppost to look like it's doing but yeah.

Possible to remove aimbot sign in left top corner? I know some one just made a thread and saw what Tom wrote <--- Nice!
I will update this if i get anything more.


08-21-2014, 07:53 PM
I said the same about the spectator mode :D some time ago....
I had/have the same bug with the weapons don't know why maybe after a patch or something.

C4 would be also great to add in ESP to defuse on nuke from B to A.

08-22-2014, 04:46 AM
That would be a great feature

02-02-2015, 11:20 PM
a good idea