View Full Version : The Hunter

09-16-2014, 04:50 PM
Hey guys, great product you've got here. Not perfect but way ahead of competition.
So anyways was wondering if you'd like to have a look at "the Hunter (http://www.thehunter.com/)". Basically a hunter simulator. ESP would be great for this game. And I don't think they have any sort of cheat protection.

Also fairfight sucks =p

Good day! =)

09-16-2014, 05:17 PM
got banned of that game for using cheats XD
dont think we will release a hack for this game since u basicly dont need it
taking a trophy shot with chams/esp on = ban after 1week or so

if u need something to speedup your game, take cheatengine and use the speedhack which is build in.
easy ;) didnt got banned by that yet

09-17-2014, 03:55 AM
Oh I see, damn shame. You sure about the cheat engine hack. Cause if I could crawl quicker that be golden.

09-17-2014, 11:15 AM
yup it works.
make sure u slow it down as soon as u see / hear something otherwise it runs faster away (cuz of the speedhakc) xD