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View Full Version : Counter Strike GO Cheats AVAILABLE!

Tom M
08-18-2012, 10:55 AM
After a long and gruelling wait, the next edition of Counter Strike by Valve Corporation is ready to hit the shelves. Counter Strike Global Offensive is the latest edition of the immensely popular Counter Strike series to hit the shelves and we at TMCheats (http://www.tmcheats.com) believe in helping you stay ahead of the curve. While hordes of gamers across the world race to master the game, you meanwhile can choose the easier way out. You needn't look too far. TMCheats brings you the world's first set of hacks for Counter Strike Global Offensive. With a slew of new features like the shitlist and the name stealer coupled with the trusty old wallhacks and aimbotting mechanisms, we can not only guarantee domination, we can guarantee pwnage !

In this latest offering by TMCheats, the Counter Strike Global Offensive cheats includes cheats like the aimbot, no spread and the norecoil to help you muscle your way up the leaderboards. To set matters into perspective, our cheats are foolproof and completely undetectable by Steam and while others may invariably come out with offerings similar to ours, we pride ourselves in going the extra mile. The aimbot is not just a simple aimbot, It incorporates a multitude of features that put any other hack to shame out there. Our aimbot provides for a smooth aim to throw off any suspicion shown by the noobs at the receiving end of your ire. Movement Prediction and Frame Compensation features included in the aimbot help provide a readymade template for getting some easy kills. While the aim point provides a red dot on the screen to indicate the location of the crosshair, there are also a number of configurable parameters which can be twiddled around based on the user's palate. Max distance, aim angles, critical distance and prediction limit can all be tweaked.

While the aimbot hack does the dirty work for you, for gamers who'd like to get their hands dirty, there's always the no spread and the no recoil hack. "How does he do that ?" is the one phrase that would be on everybody's lips with the norecoil hack. As its namesake, the point of the exploit is to ensure that your weapon does not suffer from recoil. Firing from the hip was never easier. Spray bullets and provide cover fire or line up a devastating barrage of bullets all finding their intended mark with the absence of recoil and spread. No more compensating for recoil cooldowns to get a kill. With the new Arms Race and Demolition modes available, a walk in the park would be an understatement.

While just one of these hacks might do the trick and accomplish the task, you have access to what can be considered the holy trinity of all hacks. TMCheats gives you the power of choosing an eclectic blend of power and performance in terms of the first hacks released for Global Offensive worldwide. Visit now and equip yourselves for worldwide domination and the next time you see someone blazing their way through opponents using our hacks, remember this day coz we told you so !

Tom M
08-22-2012, 08:47 AM
The adrenaline is back! The rush of victory is back! It’s a race against time to get the bomb defused or get those hostages to safety. Bullets fly high and low as snipers camp and pick off opponents through the smallest of gaps. Terrorists making their last stand against the Counter-Terrorists. Yes! Counter Strike is back and Global Offensive is the latest addition to the kitty of Valve Corporation as gamers worldwide get frenetic to lay their hands on the game as it unveils. Meanwhile, we at TMCheats have also kept busy. While you enjoy your beta accesses and your pre-orders, we at TMCheats have come up with the world’s first hacking package for the newest member of the world’s most popular gaming franchise.
By far one of the most advanced hacks released for any game thus far, the Global Offensive hacks package includes a motley mix of automated and configurable hacks with user defined settings. Since the hacks are undetectable in their entirety by Steam, they are designed to act as your ultimate weapon of choice.

So what’s new in this hack, you might ask? The Global Offensive hacks include something called a Shitlist. The shitlist provides the entire list of players in the current game and lets you segregate them based on friend or foe: basically the power to play god. Made up of two different lists, the Friends List lets you add players to a list whom you do not wish to aim at or kill. The hitlist does exactly the opposite and lets you maintain a running list of enemies. Added to the shitlist feature is our advanced warnings system, one of its kind and state of the art. The warning system is again made up of different sub-features made to cover all bases. The proximity alert feature provides an alert whenever an enemy is lurking nearby and the aiming at your warnings feature directs your aim towards the player raised warning. What’s special about the warnings system is that you can configure the distance at which proximity alerts are raised so that you always stay informed of enemy movements and finally the alerts can be configured for both visible and non visible targets.
But that’s not all. The autofire and triggerbot hacks are two new features in addition to the aimbot hack that almost every hack possesses these days. The autofire acts as a homing mechanism and fires whenever you acquire an enemy in your crosshairs. The triggerbot on the other hand is much more fine-tuned to act as if on reflex. Whenever an enemy passes through your crosshair, be it for the minutest of durations, the triggerbot is, well, triggered! A handy feature that snipers would just love to use. Think of it as your very own laser guided defense mechanism. Now that’s a simpler way to put it.

All said and done, the aim of the game is to kill or be killed. Shift over to our hacks package for Global Offensive and you’d very soon realize how it capitalizes on your skills as an expert gamer and unleashes carnage!The adrenaline is back! The rush of victory is back! It’s a race against time to get the bomb defused or get those hostages to safety. Bullets fly high and low as snipers camp and pick off opponents through the smallest of gaps. Terrorists making their last stand against the Counter-Terrorists. Yes! Counter Strike is back and Global Offensive is the latest addition to the kitty of Valve Corporation as gamers worldwide get frenetic to lay their hands on the game as it unveils. Meanwhile, we at TMCheats have also kept busy. While you enjoy your beta accesses and your pre-orders, we at TMCheats have come up with the world’s first hacking package for the newest member of the world’s most popular gaming franchise.
By far one of the most advanced hacks released for any game thus far, the Global Offensive hacks package includes a motley mix of automated and configurable hacks with user defined settings. Since the hacks are undetectable in their entirety by Steam, they are designed to act as your ultimate weapon of choice.

So what’s new in this hack, you might ask? The Global Offensive hacks include something called a Shitlist. The shitlist provides the entire list of players in the current game and lets you segregate them based on friend or foe: basically the power to play god. Made up of two different lists, the Friends List lets you add players to a list whom you do not wish to aim at or kill. The hitlist does exactly the opposite and lets you maintain a running list of enemies. Added to the shitlist feature is our advanced warnings system, one of its kind and state of the art. The warning system is again made up of different sub-features made to cover all bases. The proximity alert feature provides an alert whenever an enemy is lurking nearby and the aiming at your warnings feature directs your aim towards the player raised warning. What’s special about the warnings system is that you can configure the distance at which proximity alerts are raised so that you always stay informed of enemy movements and finally the alerts can be configured for both visible and non visible targets.

But that’s not all. The autofire and triggerbot hacks are two new features in addition to the aimbot hack that almost every hack possesses these days. The autofire acts as a homing mechanism and fires whenever you acquire an enemy in your crosshairs. The triggerbot on the other hand is much more fine-tuned to act as if on reflex. Whenever an enemy passes through your crosshair, be it for the minutest of durations, the triggerbot is, well, triggered! A handy feature that snipers would just love to use. Think of it as your very own laser guided defense mechanism. Now that’s a simpler way to put it.

All said and done, the aim of the game is to kill or be killed. Shift over to our hacks package for Global Offensive and you’d very soon realize how it capitalizes on your skills as an expert gamer and unleashes carnage!

08-23-2012, 06:22 AM
Thanks Tom, I like your Counter Strike GO Cheats!!!!!!!!!

08-23-2012, 07:41 AM
Can't wait to try this out . Thanks Tom:p

09-05-2012, 10:16 AM
A lot of people claiming they are the first for Counter Strike GO Hacks.Is it true TOM? Could you please confirm us how did you hacked counter strike global offensive. But I happy with your counter strike go hacks.


10-24-2012, 10:46 PM
Can you adjust the aimbot for shoot in the boody?

10-25-2012, 11:27 AM
Can you adjust the aimbot for shoot in the boody?

You can pick what point on the skeleton you'd like to hit, yes.

10-26-2012, 09:40 PM
Its called "Bone Aim"
There you can adjust the position ( Head, Body.... )

11-02-2012, 05:25 PM
This is pretty nice actually... I support TMcheats. :D

11-09-2012, 10:38 AM
epic cheat pitty this wasnt in cod package