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View Full Version : Aftermath MMO - Alpha

02-19-2015, 03:49 AM
At this point in the game Alpha and I think already reap start doing cheat

02-19-2015, 07:49 AM
I can't wait to hack in this Shit game hihi

02-19-2015, 02:11 PM
It doenst make that much sence to hack a game that isn't even playable for everyone, I guess.
I even think Tom will release hacks when Aftermath EA (Early Access ... = Beta) is released ... so maybe 4 - 8 weeks or something like that

But a private cheap made by a customer would be interesting ...
Go for it! :P


02-19-2015, 10:58 PM
Is it real?! Masterlooser :D


02-20-2015, 01:16 AM
Wow... Aftermath Hacked gg :O

02-20-2015, 11:52 AM
Is it real?! Masterlooser :D


what u mean? the video isnt faked.

darklinux made the hack, prolly for himself. he gave me the video and permits to use it in my own video ^^

02-20-2015, 12:12 PM
what u mean? the video isnt faked.

darklinux made the hack, prolly for himself. he gave me the video and permits to use it in my own video ^^

i tought you stole the video ^^?

02-20-2015, 01:05 PM
what u mean? the video isnt faked.

darklinux made the hack, prolly for himself. he gave me the video and permits to use it in my own video ^^

well it is just the same game engine..

They admit mistakes but keep telling lies in the process.
So everything they just said they will fix is all for nothing.

02-20-2015, 01:22 PM
this will be another shit game by a hack homo with a gay hat

oh and a fat Russian old dude that thinks his games are unhackable

Count me in to cheat the crap out of this like i did ISS

02-20-2015, 02:22 PM
this will be another shit game by a hack homo with a gay hat

oh and a fat Russian old dude that thinks his games are unhackable

Count me in to cheat the crap out of this like i did ISS

"fat Russian old dude that thinks his games are unhackable"
This made me cry lol

02-20-2015, 02:52 PM
this will be another shit game by a hack homo with a gay hat

oh and a fat Russian old dude that thinks his games are unhackable

Count me in to cheat the crap out of this like i did ISS

the thing is, when i saw the livestream, i had the strong feeling that sergey actually never played ISS or aftermath before ...

02-20-2015, 04:58 PM
Sergey is not so bright. I cant wait that Tom release Aftermath hack :)