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View Full Version : Website Design - Sell or keep?

02-28-2015, 03:27 PM
When I'm bored - which is quite a lot of the time - I decide to code websites. This is one of them(managed to sell it to one person for RS):

I don't know whether to sell it(I'll build a secure login/registeration system with it), or keep it(have nothing to use it for at the moment).

What do you guys think? Of the design and if I should keep or sell it.

02-28-2015, 03:54 PM
i've seen that before on HF lol the chinese like selling those types of sites for instalikes and follower sites. GLWS though lol

02-28-2015, 04:01 PM
Please link me to where you have seen it? I designed this a while ago for a guy who wanted to make a botting program for RS and it was copyrighted so he couldn't re-sell it. Again, can you please link me to it?

03-02-2015, 02:07 AM
Get rid of the Drop shadows and gradients and go full flat. Flat design is "in" at the moment. Shadows, glows, gradients, bevels, etc are very 2006-2010.

Otherwise, looks alright. Though it does look a lot like any number of themes currently posted to ThemeForest.