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View Full Version : Tom M's BC2 v1

Tom M
08-15-2011, 12:36 AM
Updated version can be found in this thread: Tom M's BC2 v2 ft. Spectator Mode (http://www.tmcheats.com/showthread.php/7-Tom-M-s-BC2-v2-ft.-Spectator-Mode)

Not big on names but wth. It contains the following:

Name/Distance/HP tags

Aims at visible targets only, also at targets that can be hit through the walls etc
Bullet drop/Movement speed/Lag compensation
Removes recoil/spread and shake(only when using with the aimbot).
Works vs UAV's

Aim Key: SHIFT, need to keep it pressed for as long as you wanna aim.

Pretty much sums it up, this is still being developed so if you find any problems/crashes etc lemme know.


Inject with DLL Injector(can find it on uc downloads). I recommend injecting at the main screen but can be injected while inside a game as well. If you dont see the TOP/BOTTOM and Copyright message on the screen after injecting, you will need to reinject.

This only works for the DVD version of BC2 and only in DirectX 10, I dont have steam so havnt added support for it!

Enjoy it while it lasts, PB will probably detect it in a day or 2, I bear no responsibility for bans/kicks etc!


In case of crashes, do the following:

1. Download OllyDbg(any version is fine, i use 2.0.1)

2. Extract it to some folder

3. Start BC2 in windowed mode, olly needs to be closed when you do this or you will get some error! If you are running windows 7 you can press alt+enter to go to windowed mode.

4. When you are at the main screen, open OllyDbg.exe and press File->Attach, then select Battlefield Bad Company 2. Double click it.

5. Olly will now start doing some analysis and eventually you will see a "Pause" message(Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/846/olly1.png/)

6. Now press the Run/Play button(F9 is the hotkey), you need to press it until the status changes from Pause to Running(Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/olly2.png/)

7. Now look for a server and join it, as soon as you join the server olly will pause the game again you need to press F9 to make it run. This might also happen when the map finishes loading so you have to press Run/Play/F9 in Olly very fast or you will lose the connection to the server. This will also happen every time the server changes maps!

8. Once you are ingame keep playing until olly goes to Pause mode again, when it does this try to run it several times. Remember, Olly will go into Pause mode when the server changes maps as well as when the game crashes, so its not limited to just the crash. Thats why you have to try pressing the Run/Play/F9 several times to see if the status changes from Pause to Running. When the crash occurs the status wont change.

8. Once you are sure that the crash has occured, inside OllyDbg, double click on the CPU- window(to enlarge it) and take a screenshot of it(it should look like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/olly3.png/) Ignore the text inside my screenshot, yours will not look the same!

9. Post that screenshot in this thread and I will be able to fix the crash.

If you see a grey screen:

1. Let me know.

Change Log:

v1.7: Gray screen problem resolved, need feedback.
v1.7: Increased tag distance to 400 meters
v1.7: UAV aimbot added, this has not been tested cus I wasnt able to find a server with people using UAV's but it should be working else let me know. Feedback on this will be very appreciated!
v1.7: Sprint/Vehicle prediction, snipers can one shot sprinting players/players in vehicles(scooters, jeeps etc). The prediction has a lot to do with your ping so you need to be in a server with as low ping as possible for it to work perfectly. Quick fact: Prediction works by predicting a targets movements, atm it predicts it by 1 second so if your target is constantly moving back and forth(as snipers usually do) you may wanna try aiming at him without the aimbot. Prediction is the same as trying to foresee the future so it cant be perfect, but good enough.

v1.6: Fixed lag problem
v1.6: Added better prediction