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09-10-2012, 04:18 AM
:cool:The paysafecard is probably the most popular way to deposit some money in her wonderful community :cool:(TMCheats). Dear Tom I am sure that if there was a way to buy with Paysafecard, sells you will have a huge increase. -_-
Many thanks, truly interested user

09-10-2012, 06:01 AM
:cool:The paysafecard is probably the most popular way to deposit some money in her wonderful community :cool:(TMCheats). Dear Tom I am sure that if there was a way to buy with Paysafecard, sells you will have a huge increase. -_-
Many thanks, truly interested user

Really? Where? I know PayPal is the #1 online payment site in the world (no doubt with help from Ebay) and Google Checkout a distant second. Paysafe is no where in their sniffing range...

09-10-2012, 01:18 PM
Really? Where? I know PayPal is the #1 online payment site in the world (no doubt with help from Ebay) and Google Checkout a distant second. Paysafe is no where in their sniffing range...

I´d really want to have this cheat, but I dont have Paypal and there is not currently a site that trades PSC for Paypal money (Its currently unavailable).

(TMCheats), ας πληρώσουν με Paysafecard, θα ήθελα πάρα πολύ να χρησιμοποιήσει ur δροσερό και απαρατήρητα απατεώνες για πρωταθλήματα .

Tom M
09-10-2012, 01:51 PM
Atm Paypal is the only option. We will be supporting Paysafecard soon though.

12-22-2012, 12:32 PM
Atm Paypal is the only option. We will be supporting Paysafecard soon though.

Omg really?? When exactly? Please tell me. I wanted to buy your hax long ago but i don't have paypal. it would be UUUBER awesome if I could buy your hax with paysafecards.

Dustin Hardy
12-23-2012, 05:59 PM
Just buy a prepaid credit card. You don't need a PayPal account to use paypal