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View Full Version : A few questions after a test.

09-28-2012, 12:31 AM
I used your cheats on BF3 for 2 days. I am very happy with the esp.
The first day was an adequate aimbot as a sniper had trouble hitting its mark at anything over 300m. On the second day it works perfectly on targets 600m+.
However, there were some persistent issues.
On some games when using the aimbot it would lock onto a target then snap off them, this would only happen on certain players so I am assuming that this is a cheat that screws with the aimbot. It would be nice if this had that as well. So I had to kill them the old fashioned way, with the aimbot fully deactivated.
The aimbot on silent still locks onto the targets and jitters.
The vehicle gunner accuracy is spot on with infantry and stationary targets. It misses targets such has jets and other choppers and at times jeeps. It gives the effect of trying to shoot warning shots. This even happens when aimbot is active but not selected. I have to manually deactivate the aimbot in the menu to score hits. So it seems that the targeting is off centre (usually to the right) but the groupings are excellent.
I would not expect an aimbot for the main gun of jets or choppers. If it locks on to a ground units you are likely to crash if at a bad angle, especially in jets.
So my questions are:
Are you familiar with any anti aimbot?
If yes are you developing a way to counter the anti aimbot?
Would to look into developing an anti aimbot for us?
How the development of the vehicle aimbot is, is it still in beta?
Would you consider creating profiles for the aimbot so that there is one for vehicles one for sniping and maybe one for at rockets?
Your cheats are very good, and level the playing field. I found on PC I would spawn and die. Now I spawn and kill the guy in the 2 second window.
And I have a suggestion.
Perhaps making a notification or timer for the kill cam, so you know then that the person you just killed is looking at your character, and when it is safe to use the aimbot again. This would really limit the potential of been seen and/or recorded with the aimbot active and thus being reported.

Tom M
09-28-2012, 12:44 AM
All feature requests have to be made in the Feature Requests threads. I can't answer your questions as I havnt looked into the possibility yet.

The vehicle aimbot is in beta atm and will be out soon.

09-28-2012, 12:28 PM
Wish list here.