View Full Version : Hack sub prices revised next month? And time extensions.

07-30-2015, 10:19 PM
In this closed thread about price increases Tom said something about prices being revised next month.

If I buy the master package now and the price of it goes down, will I get time added to my account? I was going to buy them today, but unless I get a credit after the "revised prices" next month, I don't want to buy them as it will waste money. Say they go down to $75 and I just bought them for $100 that's $25 gone unless I get some time extension.

Tom please let me know If and when you revise prices next month I'll be able to get a time extension if you decide to lower the prices.

Thank you.

Tom M
07-31-2015, 08:24 AM
No extensions for price changes. The revision might not even happen next month, depends on time availability.