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View Full Version : How safe are these hacks plus some questions

10-09-2012, 03:17 PM
Hi guys im looking for a way to get 1 shot kills not from anywhere on the map like a lamer but either the aimbot will snap my crosshairs on the head area so i can get easy headshots or i can not use the aimbot but just say use an asualt rifle or a sniper rifle and kill with 1 bullet ALSO I dont want them green boxes and all that rader shit on the screen can i turn all that off and just have an invisable aimbot???

Also I have just upgraded to Premium and paid £40 so im a bit worried I will get banned so would it be better for me to buy a cheap CD key and setup a second account to protect my main account?
If so where would i get one of these CD keys and roughly how much would it cost me??? alot of questions so thanks in advance for any advice, cheers.

Finaly... would i get a warning if punkbuster detected me or would it just be acc ban.


10-09-2012, 03:25 PM
Our hack is fully customizable.You can select what feature to enable / disable and select aimbot aim-bone instead of just aiming at Head.
Our cheats last violation detection is march ,which mean is 6 month ago.
If you get banned with our cheats and you purchased TMInsurance,with enough evidence to proof that you get banned using our cheats,you will get bf3 key for free.

and its always better to create separate account for Hacking / Legit gaming.
although cheats are undetected,but hacking is always risky and if you rage too much you will get banned by DICE manually due to Multiple Cheating Reports[not PunkBuster ban]