View Full Version : Aimbots... why use them?
10-24-2012, 02:18 AM
Hey all,
So I'm an avid FPS / twitch gamer, who's been gaming for nearly 25 years. And basically, I only cheat when I get bored. For many games, that never happens (so I never cheat)... but when I do, I've only ever used ESP/wallhacks; simply to gain tactical advantage. I've never once touched an aimbot, simply because, for me, that's basically taking absolutely ALL the challenge out of a game... practically rendering the entire experience un-fun.
So I'm simply curious why some of you choose to use them? What joy and thrill do you get out of it, besides knowing you didn't actually possess the fps/twitch skill to get the kill yourself? Sure, you basically become a god in the game environment you're in (or as close to it as you wish to feel)... but a god that needs to use crutches? Why?
I definitely don't mean to offend by asking this... I just am curious to hear the thoughts, opinions, and feelings from those who DO find some type of joy/thrill in it...
10-24-2012, 02:25 AM
It's simple for me.
To make people nerd rage.
There is nothing more fun to laugh your ass off, while people scream into the mic that your an asshole.
10-24-2012, 02:28 AM
I would have to agree with erodenmark, it's funny to make people rage since they took forever trying to get all their loot, and BAM it's gone after one shot from the saiga or mauser. I do it for pure amusement, not much to actually advance in the game and hoard like a lot of people I know.
10-24-2012, 02:31 AM
Personally, I've used aimbot solely 4dalulz. Watching people rage has been my favorite pastime for quite some time now. I'm also an avid FPS gamer of around 10 years, 9 of them playing Counter Strike.
When I'd have a bad day, I'd throw on some material hacks and hop into a public server. My frown would turn upside within seconds of repeated wallbangs. Now I guess I've found myself here, ready to make kids rage in War Z.
10-24-2012, 02:42 AM
So, simply to cause grief to others... okay.
Guess I may just never understand that type of laughter... though I do understand how having a shitty day playing legitimately can be rectified by switching on some hacks for the rest of the day... but then, even I have this feeling like it's a somewhat empty win (on that day). I mean, what you guys are saying, to me, sounds like you find it fun and enjoyable to be called a douche and and asshole by random internet aliases, simply because you know they exist somewhere and may be going berserk, like this guy...
Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube (
I can kinda of understand that, maybe for a short moment... because yeah, watching (or thinking) about people freaking out like this over a game is pretty hilarious, for a bit... and most of us have all been there (in varying degrees) throughout our gaming history... but doesn't that get old and boring? It does for me... so I'm just trying to understand how the same thing over and over doesn't lose it's charm for you guys... or become boring...
What say you guys?
10-24-2012, 03:05 AM
Sounds like OP needs to get over himself. Skill in video games is overrated, why bother playing for years to develop "skill" in video games anymore when you can be better than anyone ever within 5 mins and some cash?
People hack because they do, they choose to hack because they don't want or need some kind of gratification of e-skill. Why do you think your better than us by saying your so "legit".
I guess I am to much of a noob to understand that spending my entire life on a game to be "leet" at it makes me better than someone who uses a program to be better than anyone could ever be? Call it an empty win, well I did have to start up the program and use it, push some buttons on my keyboard and mouse to kill people. Pretty much did the same as you but I don't have to spend my life playing a game to "m4d skillz"
Also as for the griefing. I like the tears players like you give me when I give you those bad days. Hell I may even convert some low life legit player to play games the smart way.
Always remember, you play the game for your enjoyment not for some neckbeard on the other team.
10-24-2012, 03:18 AM
I use them because they are a nice stress reliever. If you play the game normally the game is much more serious and difficult, and potentially stressful. If you play using an aimbot you know that you are going to dominate everyone, and you still get the enjoyment of playing a game. I am often under a lot of stress, and I have found this to be a nice way to relieve some of it.
10-24-2012, 03:30 AM
I aimbot for the rage, make other hackers mad becuase my hack is better than theirs and becuase im not very good at FPS
10-24-2012, 03:36 AM
Reefer i get your point.
But another problem for me as a COD:MW3 player is that 100% off the time atlease 1 in the lobby is hacking. So why cant i?
And it really shows when you play Infected. When your hideing somewhere as final surviver. Trust me people find you within 30 sec. and when you watch the killcam it's so clear there wallhacking.
So plan B is:Find the best hack on planet earth and do what they do just 100 times worse!
10-24-2012, 03:38 AM
I can't really contribute much new, as it's all been said for the most part. But yes.
If/When I use an aimbot it's merely to cause rage among people. My level of skill in an FPS doesn't matter. I consider myself far above average, so i don't "need" an aimbot to perform well, but using one provides a level of entertainment beyond regular game play.
I also have a single rule about the usage of an aimbot, I made that rule to myself years ago. If anyone asks kindly for me to either stop or leave, I will. It's a really simple thing. I believe it to be fair. Respond to the situation in a cool and collective manner and show kindness even in times of hardship and it'll payoff. Silly for some most likely, but I like to think of it as teaching them a life lesson.
Granted, I usually have to explain that life lesson to them as I've only had roughly 2 people in the past 5 (estimate) years actually respond with anything other than instant rage.
10-24-2012, 04:20 AM
Oh i forgot i also hack becuase of YOLO
10-24-2012, 05:58 AM
Oh i forgot i also hack becuase of YOLO
Lol! Yeah you better have fun while you can :D
10-24-2012, 06:45 AM
I usually se only the Enemy ESP part and it is usually the bone ESP only. All other features are turned off. The reason is that I don't see that well in the game and it is a visual help only. Invisible enemies don't show.
But if there is a rager or a glitcher, then I turn full blast and I love seeing them getting all pissed off and starting calling me a cheater. I just go after them. The hit list is great.
10-24-2012, 03:42 PM
I simply use it to make myself relax more, I dislike having to be on edge about the fact that loosing a gunfight means I lose everything which is why I never aimbot in games which are just for competitiveness because in the end this is not a fps it's a survival genre which I believe should be about finding food, making friends and having a sense of security.
10-24-2012, 04:00 PM
Why do you think your better than us by saying your so "legit".
1. LOL at your whole post.
2. Since when did I say I was better than anyone, or that I am SO legit. I mean, what forum am I posting in? LOL
3. LOL
I use them because they are a nice stress reliever. If you play the game normally the game is much more serious and difficult, and potentially stressful. If you play using an aimbot you know that you are going to dominate everyone, and you still get the enjoyment of playing a game. I am often under a lot of stress, and I have found this to be a nice way to relieve some of it.
I can understand that. Hacks make games much easier... no real challenge, if you ask me... so it's easy to blow off steam w/o extra stress...
Then again, when I do hack (using ESP/wallhack), I feel the game is no more difficult than if I were to add the aimbot part... aimbot would simply remove the entire element of any challenge or fun you can get from killing someone.
That's just me, I guess...
...and becuase im not very good at FPS
Hey, at least your honest.
But another problem for me as a COD:MW3 player is that 100% off the time atlease 1 in the lobby is hacking. So why cant i?
And it really shows when you play Infected. When your hideing somewhere as final surviver. Trust me people find you within 30 sec. and when you watch the killcam it's so clear there wallhacking.
So plan B is:Find the best hack on planet earth and do what they do just 100 times worse!
I never made this post to try and say people shouldn't use aimbots... I'm just trying to understand what joy they actually bring the people who do use them, since they completely diminish ALL of the joy and thrill of killing someone in a game, for me.
I understand that others use them also, so why not level the playing field... I get that. Though, if it were me, if I were in a server and someone was aimbotting, which is usually quite noticeable, I just leave and join a new server. I mean, for me, there is no real point to play games when a computer is doing the aiming for people, hence granting headshots w/o much work at all. Again, that's just me...
I also have a single rule about the usage of an aimbot, I made that rule to myself years ago. If anyone asks kindly for me to either stop or leave, I will. It's a really simple thing. I believe it to be fair. Respond to the situation in a cool and collective manner and show kindness even in times of hardship and it'll payoff. Silly for some most likely, but I like to think of it as teaching them a life lesson.
Granted, I usually have to explain that life lesson to them as I've only had roughly 2 people in the past 5 (estimate) years actually respond with anything other than instant rage.
A compassionate cheater.... I like your style! haha
To be honest, I also made a rule (for myself) many years ago when I began wallhacking in CS, after becoming bored with playing the game legitimately. That rule was that I was going to hack in a way that no one would EVER be able to tell. In other words, I chose to never use aimbots, and only use wallhacks. So I basically made it a point to never make my wallhacking apparent, given anyone could look directly through my eyes when dead. And well, I became so good at it, that no one was the wiser. I think I only had 2 close calls where a couple friends got a little suspicious of me.
Though, after a while, even that became boring to me... so I stopped playing CS all together, and decided to tell my buddies what I had been up to. Haven't touched CS since. lol
Oh i forgot i also hack becuase of YOLO
Lol! Yeah you better have fun while you can :D
Hahaha... Touché
But if there is a rager or a glitcher, then I turn full blast and I love seeing them getting all pissed off and starting calling me a cheater. I just go after them. The hit list is great.
So basically, you, like me, mostly just use ESP/wallhack, but will go into full-blown-cheat-mode for other hackers, or people just being douches? I can understand that.
I simply use it to make myself relax more, I dislike having to be on edge about the fact that loosing a gunfight means I lose everything which is why I never aimbot in games which are just for competitiveness because in the end this is not a fps it's a survival genre which I believe should be about finding food, making friends and having a sense of security.
Well, this was posted in the General chat, so I was just asking in general why people use aimbots... But I can understand what you're saying, in regards to games like DayZ and WarZ.
I personally still don't use aimbots, in any games, but you're right... games like dayz and warz definitely add a level of stress and frustration that no other games have (for the most part)... So I understand why people want to eliminate that type of stress. Though, if you ask me, sometimes I quite enjoy the thrill of that stress. I mean, I can't tell you of any other game that had my heart beating so fast and furious than when I first began playing DayZ! Now, sure, it fucking SUCKED when I (and some friends) would get lit up by someone (who may possibly have been hacking)... but the thrill of never knowing who might be around the corner was pretty awesome...
To me, I think a game like warz and dayz could be rather amazing if you were in a full server where you KNEW that absolutely NO ONE was hacking... such as, say, on a private locked server with only a huge group of friends (or whatever). To me, the potential for what these types of games CAN be is pretty awesome, if you ask me. So in that regard, I think ALL hacks ruin that amazing atmosphere. I'm sure most people would agree to that...
That being said though, I just recently got back into ESP hacking in warz, simply because the game is, well, rather boring in the state it is right now... and it's quite apparent that others are doing the same thing... hence, I joined the crowd (can't bet em, join em). Though, I am hoping they fine-tune this game well, and then allow for locked private servers... as I do want to play a survival game like that w/o worrying about who may be hacking. Haha!
But anyways... Thank you everyone for your input... I was really just trying to get a general feeling of why others choose to use aimbots. I personally think they ruin MY entertainment in all games, as they get rid of that element that I actually find fun... being stellar at fps/twitch games. But, please don't think I am in any way trying to say that others MUST/SHOULD/or NEED to be like me. IF you find aimbotting fun, then that's cool too. As it's like you all have said... it's all about finding ways to entertain ourselves.
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