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View Full Version : Works great

10-31-2012, 06:23 PM
I bought the 1 day trial for $2, which to my knowledge, no other site is offering. After paying with PayPal, I was given instant access, a message appeared at the top of the page when I came back to TMCheats from PayPal. I followed instructions, downloaded, read one of the threads setting it up, and away I went...no hiccups, no waiting.

I tested and used the hack primarily for 2 functions:

1) ESP
2) Sprinting

I've never used aimbots much, and I don't think I got this one running well. But considering that it is so easy to kill players and zombies with guns, it isn't as big of an issue in War Z as it may be in others.

Both ESP and sprinting worked perfectly. I liked the unobtrusive warning that displays in the upper left letting you know of danger proximity and being targeted (other hacks have a huge message that immediately displays in the center or top center of the screen...I hate that...usually scares the shit out of me and distracts from what is happening on the screen). As a result of using the ESP, I was able to go through town safely from a safe zone. I brought back a good haul of weapons and other supplies. It was a good run.

Leaving it on sprint mode, not worrying about running out of stamina was huge. It allowed me to outrun zombies, but also get in and out of safe zone quickly.

I'm a casual gamer, my availability comes and goes, but as a result of the trial period, I will definitely be being subscribing on the monthly plan soon.

Also, I've noticed that most people in this community, and definitely the owner (Tom), are much more friendly and there is less asshattery than most other cheat communities, which was a surprise to me...but one that actually played a role in determining which community to give my money to.

GJ on the quality hack and the atmosphere you created here Tom, you've secured a customer.

10-31-2012, 06:57 PM
nicely posted and i hope you enjoy your stay. if u need any help with any thing just give me a pm.
if you ever want to set up the aim bot for the game so it will work for u just holler ill give you a hand.